When Caitlyn and Zach contacted me about shooting their wedding, I was giddy. I didn’t know either of them, but through all of the many emails/ text I felt like I did. When Caitlyn mentioned Herb Parsons Lake as a location for her engagements, I was thrilled for two reasons:
1. because I had never even heard of it, and I totally geek out over new locations
2. because Caitlyn had informed me earlier that this is where Zach proposed to her a few short months ago (you know how I am about revisiting special places)
We decided on an early morning session, I’m talking like 7am because we wanted the etherial fog with the soft morning light. However, when we arrived it was still dark. Ha, we tried to be so prepared and it was just a little too dark for our taste. Luckily we had time to talk to Caitlyn and Zach, and really got to know them. I had seen one picture of Caitlyn and Zach near a tree, and he was down on one knee so I assumed the tree was close by, little did I know it wasn’t BUT it was TOTALLY worth it. We got to hear the entire proposal story as we walked to ‘the tree’. I’m all about a good story, so I was all ears. After we visited their sweet spot, we decided to head out on the lake, which I loved. I was a little nervous because my wobbly self was actually in the boat with them, but they were great and extremely comfortable with me as they snuggled close in the tiny little boat. Caitlyn, like me has a love for little tiny vintage treasures. I LOVED that about her. Caitlyn, and her sister Jessica are quite the little artists. They both make some pretty sweet stuff, you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Zach was so sweet to Caitlyn the entire time. He told us about his large family that lives in Florida, where he’s from. John and I kept calling him Ted Mosby, because he was SO nice and hilarious. Caitlyn kept giggling at his jokes, they were so natural together and I CANNOT wait to document their big day in May.
Caitlyn and Zach, we hope you enjoy these!
I love the movement in the picture, she giggled the entire time.
How sweet is it that Zach carved “will you marry me” in the tree. That’s a total Ted Mosby move, I love it.
such beautiful subjects.
quite possibly my favorite
you don’t even understand how excited I was that Caitlyn too, has a love for vintage lanterns!
before we were finished I asked C&Z if I got everything they were wanting, Caitlyn said ‘yes!’ and Zach said ‘I can think of one’, swooped her right off of her feet before she even had time to think! I LOVE that.
C&Z I cannot WAIT to capture all of your wonderful memories in May, congrats you two!