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Courtney+Will-Crew’s Arrival

You may notice that this particular post is extremely different from most of my posts. Normally you’d find a young couple in love, an adventurous engagement session, or the occasional sweet family session.

No, not this one. I’m going to do my best to say very little (which we all know isn’t easy for me) because in all honesty, these images speak for themselves.

Remember Courtney and Will? I’ve had the pleasure to document their life, and grow with them. Remember their fun colored powdered session, and their sweet three year anniversary, or their sunny maternity session?

Watching the Kassner’s grow in life and love has been such a blessing. When Courtney casually mentioned me being in the delivery room with her, I felt several things all at once.

1. I felt confused. Such a personal moment, caught on camera, why the heck would she want that?

2. I felt honored. When someone asks you to be a bridesmaid in their wedding, it’s them saying “I can’t start my new life without you.” Similar scenario, only multiplied. Courtney respected/loved/trusted me enough to be right beside her and Will as she delivered Crew. Let me just take a minute……. WOW, that’s huge.

Most people looked at me like I was absolutely NUTS when I told them I’d be in the delivery room with Courtney and Will. To those people, I say to you, look at these incredible moments Courtney has captured. No one has photos like this. She’ll be able to look back at these in 20 years and say “and I thought I loved you then.”

Let me wrap up my soap opera by saying this:

These photos are raw, real, and extremely emotional. As you look through them I ask you to turn your iTunes/pandora/tv off. Just look. You will feel every intensified moment. When I was in the room, it felt like everything stood still for a moment. I’ve never felt that way in my life.

And lastly, Courtney and Will, we’re blessed to know you, to know Crew, and to continue to watch you all grow.

Congrats to my favorite family of three.


Courtney had the most tasteful, great quality bump updates that she would post weekly. I loved the one she posted the day Crew was born, it said “We get to meet Crew today!”

As some of you may know, you can easily get nauseous and hot quite frequently, Courtney handled it like a champ!

Will was such a huge support system for Court. He constantly fanned her and was quick to offer help!

So sweet!

Anxious daddy

“It’s the moments you only experience once that our hearts are on fire for.”

Courtney and Will had several visitors who waited in the lobby, one of which was their minister, he was kind enough to pray out loud for Crew’s safe arrival.

And Courtney’s sweet parents came in to wish her luck!

Courtney’s dad has Courtney’s footprints stamped to his smock that he wore when she was born. How sweet?

It takes a selfless person to become a mother, I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more!

These sweet moments.

Minutes before it was time to deliver Crew!

I cannot even look at these without crying.

Crew’s precious little foot.

I.can’t.even. I live for moments like this.

At this point, I was sobbing. I’m surprised these are in focus.

I will never forget watching Courtney see Crew for the first time.

And Will’s precious reaction

Already framed in my house. Some photographers go their entire life without capturing such an earth shattering image. I can check that off of my bucket list.

9 pounds 5 ounces.

Such a proud dad!

Will went to tell everyone the good news…

and even filmed their reaction.

Proud grandparents

And Will’s sweet parents.

A perfect little boy.

I told Courtney I feel like Crew is partially mine. Crazy, but so true.

My heart is overflowing.

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  • October 14, 2013 - 9:47 pm

    Nancy Harmon - Absolutely precious pictures, my eyes are filled with tears! A beautiful story!ReplyCancel

  • October 14, 2013 - 9:56 pm

    Abby - These are exquisite. Absolutely beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • October 14, 2013 - 9:59 pm

    Christina Conley - These are phenomenal. Every mother should have photos like these, I know I wish I did.ReplyCancel

  • October 15, 2013 - 12:13 am

    Karishma - Congratulations Courtney!!! Your baby is so precious!! Kelly- you did an amazing job with these!! For such a huge moment in Courtney and Will’s life, you did every bit of justice in capturing these precious moments!! Well done! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • October 15, 2013 - 2:03 pm

    Emily - I MEAN. Girl. You totally rocked these. I can’t even.ReplyCancel

  • October 15, 2013 - 8:03 pm

    Runt - Wow. Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. I really really really really really really really really wished you lived in NC.ReplyCancel

  • June 27, 2015 - 5:40 pm

    Susan Mills - This is the most precious montage of photographs that I have ever seen. What moments! What joy!There are many things that can be captured over and over again. But this? Only once, and I could feel every emotion. Bravo!ReplyCancel

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