Oh my word. How we adore these cool kids. World, meet Lauren and Kirk. Rest assured you will NEVER meet another couple like them. These guys keep us young and make us want to be better, happier, more fun, all around people. I mean it.
Lauren and I go wayyyyyyy back to sorority days at The University of Memphis. We were both Alpha Gamma Deltas, and I’m super proud to share my letters with such a vivacious, outgoing woman! (I realize that makes me sound old as you know what, but, I went there.)
Lauren wasn’t entirely sure if she and Kirk should do engagement photos, but John and I secretly hoped they would because, HELLO, how adorable are they?!?!?!
Lauren and Kirk have an OBVIOUS connection. They are super silly and playful together which is literally #goals from a photographer’s perspective. I ended up calling Kirk “Kirky” towards the end of the session which I’m sure he was thrilled about. I seriously have an issue with nicknames, I cannot NOT give someone a nickname (take that double negative, high school English teacher!)
Lauren + Kirk are getting married this August at the lovely Dixon Gallery and Gardens and we’re THRILLED to be a part of it alongside Lynn Doyle Flowers, Betts Made, Kasey Acuff, Katharine Chafin, Twenty-Two Magnolias, and Maggie Louise. It’s going to be a wonderful day.
Lauren + Kirky, thanks for letting us tag along for such a special time of your lives!